The other reason that i have been busy is because i am hooked on the sims agagin. Bought the full set of it. Absolutely fabulous.
Another thing that i've been thinking... Freedom.. freedom of speech, thats where the gossiping starts. You can say watever you want. Freedom of expressions, thats where the riots come about. You want to be heard. Freedom to love. Thats where you can love whoever you want. But the thing is that you can love whoever you want, but how many 'persons' can you truly love? So love is free, you can love many? Not bad for a slogan.??? Confused.
My cat..

kool kat.
kip it up cat! kill whoever ur owner dislikes...
serial killer cat. so bz lah u. nid advance booking one. haha. nice slogan huh den y dnt u love many too? :p ok lah kidding lah. eh ur blog blue n purple. majiam my room wakkaak. wen u wanna make a space huh? i waiting. :D
happy chinese new year hokkien kaki! :D
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