Sunday, February 19, 2006

Belated Valentine Quote

Cheesy quote, I know but I like!

*Love doesn't make the world go round,
It makes life worthwhile
**People can do a million and one things to cover up their flaws,
They dun even know themselves anymore
Thats where people become pretentious
Afraid to show their true selves
Or maybe they are more worse off than any one of us.

Someone once told me everyone is with an excess baggage. I was afraid to let anyone know I do have one, I am now waiting for another to show me whats theirs.
I have to pay my dues
I have to cope with work
I have to struggle with stress
I have to deal with my crazy personalities
I am just like you and any other person.


Changed a new CPU recently. Busy with work as usual. Chinese New year passed by like a breeze and now its Feb. Mmm.. Basically I'm in a love & hate situation with my work. Its gonna be a long story so I guess I will save it for another day. But the story I'm gonna tell now is a true life account that happened to me while I was at work.

(Owner is an uncle)
Me: I'm sorry we can't fix up ur car if the insurance can't approve the payout to our company. Maybe you can speak to ur insurer?
Owner: Who is the person in charge of my case? Maybe I can speak to her directly.
Me: Ok. Her name is Catherine. You can call her at XXXXXXXX
Owner: Battery? Her name is Battery ar?
Owner: Ok. Battery. The car battery.
Hysterical Me: OK. you can call her battery. Make sure she approve ur claim and we will fix ur car, ok?

Thanks, uncle, for making my day.