Sunday, February 19, 2006


Changed a new CPU recently. Busy with work as usual. Chinese New year passed by like a breeze and now its Feb. Mmm.. Basically I'm in a love & hate situation with my work. Its gonna be a long story so I guess I will save it for another day. But the story I'm gonna tell now is a true life account that happened to me while I was at work.

(Owner is an uncle)
Me: I'm sorry we can't fix up ur car if the insurance can't approve the payout to our company. Maybe you can speak to ur insurer?
Owner: Who is the person in charge of my case? Maybe I can speak to her directly.
Me: Ok. Her name is Catherine. You can call her at XXXXXXXX
Owner: Battery? Her name is Battery ar?
Owner: Ok. Battery. The car battery.
Hysterical Me: OK. you can call her battery. Make sure she approve ur claim and we will fix ur car, ok?

Thanks, uncle, for making my day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha thats a gd one..