Monday, August 22, 2005


The flu bug has caught me. And it is fierce. I've been infect for about a week and yesterday nite the fever virus paid me a visit as well. I'm weak. WEAK! No matter how loud I am, I cant scare them away! Damn! Its the seventh month. Seventh Month. Maybe because I didn't pay respects to the dead? Never offer them food, burn paper money for them to spend? And help to pollute the earth with smoke, ashes and maybe indirectly feeding the birds. Ok, I am whining already. I am sick. My mucus is flowing out.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sunday Times

Busy with work lately. Life couldn't be better. Maybe I'm still in the honeymoon period about my job. I realised that I have to get in touch with myself sometimes. Solitary gives you the time to quieten down and listen. Listen to yourself. Work is already time consuming. Friends 'share' your time in happiness, or sadness or whatever. Interacting can be tiring too. Voicing out on different opinions and views on whatever issues. Conflicts come along and there is more to solve. I dun like you, you dun like me, I dun like how she handle things, She thinks you are difficult, and the list goes on. The only thing that you can come to terms with easily is yourself.

**Maybe there are tonnes of issues, but in the end, you are still you. Will you take the person as it is?
I may be far, but that doesnt mean I dun care.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I wonder how patriotic we can get or are we just happy because its national day= public holiday? who really cares? Or just because there is fireworks? With tens of thousands dollars wasted, why no one complain? gone with the wind in like 15 mins? why no one write to forum? why ar? NKF saga got pple complain. Pple willing to donate, then when they know the money was misused, they complain. But when they got taxed because they earn too much, why they dun complain? The NKF director salary so high, the pple complain. The Prime minister salary higher than the director, why they dun complain? Now they want to ask the volunteers difficult questions like how many percent goes to charity, why they must donate. If you dun donate, then SHUT UP! You donate the most a dollar into the tin. How about thinking the food or those few grains of rice you can't eat finish and the green tea you can't drink because too full? Isn't it equivalant? I will be embarrassed if i were to ask how many percent goes to charity when i put in my 20¢ in.

Mankind is usually good, its the mouth thats evil.