Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Death...

Is it contagious? When are they taking me then? Its so easy to die, and so tough for those who are still alive. Its my 3rd time going for those wakes this year, and it got me this time. My 3rd uncle whom has been close to my dad all these while, gone just like that. He will always shout to my dad 'Apek!, Ada kena tak?!' when he come over our place. Talking abt 4D.. My dad lost a brother and a good friend. I am upset. My dad is upset. Well, its another family matter, with alot of mouths talking, as always. What do they really know? Will they die if they don't talk? He's already dead.

Monday, June 01, 2009

To those who never hear it from me

gossip:  /ˈgɒsəp/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gos-uhp] Show IPA noun, verb, -siped or -sipped, -sip⋅ing or -sip⋅ping.
–noun 1. idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others:

If you have so much time to idle, why dun you think of a way to stop being a parasite? Think of why your mum give birth to you but instead of minding your own business, you are minding others instead? Your mum should give birth to a piece of char siew, at least still can eat. If you are worst than a piece of char siew, you are better off dead.

Alrite! the main announcement for today is IT WAS MY GREAT GRANDMA WHO PASSED AWAY. The wake was at Blk 79 Toa Payoh Central. She was 95. Her name is Mdm Lee Hit Kaw. I didn't know the paparazzi would be so damn freaking interested to know. I would gladly send some of the death certs for verification if they needed one. And by the way, I din ask my great grams to die on a weekend. Or maybe if i have a choice, i should have asked her to die on a weekday so as not to cause a big hoohaa cos its a fucking weekend. The latest news is there will be picking up of my great grams bones later today at 2pm at Mandai Crematorium Hall 3. You won't be able to catch me there cos i have to fucking work. Those who are so interested to know might drop by and ask my relatives if I have been at the wake for the last 2 days. No need to buy offerings cos my great grams is a christian. Thanks. Those who send their regards, i really appreciate it. Those who doesn't, i don't really give a fuck. Just shut your trap.