I realise i have yet to see so much and feel so much. As much as i want to, i am stuck in this small cubicle of mine.. How much more can i take when i can't even handle the thoughts i am having, the perceptions i have cultivated? No man think alike. Who would one truly understand another when you are still you?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Have you realised that maybe the people around you, your friends didn't change. It is you who have changed. I felt a tinge of sadness. Maybe I did change. I grew up. Different people made different choices and have different experiences. I could have been worst. Be it in character or behaviour. I could have been self-centred, unreasonable, erratic or even narcistic. I am glad I didn't. Because all those doesn't matter anymore.
Everyday anyday.
Its been 2 days. My fridge has papaya, honeydew, grapes, mangoes and oranges. 1st day I asked pa, got apples not? He said don't have. 2nd day after dinner, I asked pa again. Why no apples? He has been eating oranges every night. Then he said " No teeth how to eat?!" Now I know why he keep eating oranges cos he can't eat apples!. =S
Monday, August 02, 2010
She said she read my blog recently.. I was like its so long time ago since I last posted. Then she asked me if I'm ok... Like huh? She asked if I am self-emoing. I am not currently and wasn't emo-ing since the last post. So maybe now I get it. When I emo, I blog. Maybe when I am disappointed with humans, I blog. But that doesn't change anything. I'm tired. Really. I will be just here, all the time, complaining. Right now I'm just happy. Quietly watching what humans are up to on their longest sleeves..