I realise i have yet to see so much and feel so much. As much as i want to, i am stuck in this small cubicle of mine.. How much more can i take when i can't even handle the thoughts i am having, the perceptions i have cultivated? No man think alike. Who would one truly understand another when you are still you?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Shit happens in life. So far, i haven't shit in my pants yet. The grass is still greener on my side. I am living in a garden for now. When you lost something that you treasured so much, you realised that there is something else more precious than that. Once you walked thru the shadow, you can find light on the other side. Take the time to enjoy the pain cos you know you won't be able to feel it again for the longest time. Being positive has never been my virtue but watever shit happens now, nothing will be compared to the times I've been thru although it wouldn't be that bad either. No one can take away your experiences you had, the pain you suffered, the loss that you felt. That's you. Get over it and move on to the next chapter in life. But still, we are all humans, filming mtv once a while wouldn't hurt.